Privacy Policy
Last updated: 20 February 2023

Frontender is provided by Hubition, a company located at Lange Viestraat 2b, 3511 BK, Utrecht, The Netherlands, registration number 53931459.

We process your data to the minimum amount required to make Frontender function. This is how it works:

  • Frontender uses Google Cloud to store your account details and settings. Their servers are located within the European Union. We only store basic account details and the settings you can set in Frontender, nothing more.
  • Our order process is conducted by our online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.
  • We use to send you emails. Postmark is a service provided by Wildbit, Inc. Their servers are located within the European Union.
  • We use to collect anonymous usage data. This data is used to improve Frontender.
  • We use EU-based servers from to host our website and API.

To request more details or delete your data from our systems, please to send us an email. We will reply within 5 business days (but usually much faster).

Jeroen Riemens
Made with love by @jeroenmakes. Frontender is a product of Hubition, Lange Viestraat 2b, Utrecht, The Netherlands (registration 53931459).